
wondering if i should quit while i’m ahead?

hello all! so i just started a serving gig and I’m wondering if i should stick it out and if so, for how long. for context, I just got hired as a server at a medium volume restaurant in my city, and everything is going well. I’ve trained in a couple different parts of the restaurant, shadowed a couple servers, but today I got sent home by one of the management team for not being in uniform. I explained that I wasn’t able to find anything in my size that met the requirements, and she was kind enough to inform me that I would not be permitted to continue training until I am in uniform. to be fair, this would normally be a pretty reasonable request, except i’m not officially hired yet, and if i fail the 2-hour server/food test a week from now, I will no longer be hired/employed…

hello all! so i just started a serving gig and I’m wondering if i should stick it out and if so, for how long.

for context, I just got hired as a server at a medium volume restaurant in my city, and everything is going well. I’ve trained in a couple different parts of the restaurant, shadowed a couple servers, but today I got sent home by one of the management team for not being in uniform. I explained that I wasn’t able to find anything in my size that met the requirements, and she was kind enough to inform me that I would not be permitted to continue training until I am in uniform.

to be fair, this would normally be a pretty reasonable request, except i’m not officially hired yet, and if i fail the 2-hour server/food test a week from now, I will no longer be hired/employed there. from a personal standpoint, I also do not have $50+ in spare cash to spend on “all black shoes” and “plain black pants, with back pockets, and no rips or wear” in my difficult-to-find-size for a job I don’t even have.

I also just didn’t like the way this particular manager, who isn’t the head of the management team but behaves and is treated by other employees as though she is, handled the whole “you’re not in uniform so you need to leave and not come back until you are” situation. very rude and condescending, really didn’t sit right with me.

So, should i push through, spend the money i don’t have for a job i don’t have, and look for something else, or is this a big enough red flag to walk right now?

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