
Work Anxiety Nightmare Scenario – Sent Email With Incorrect Info to Thousands

Just like what the title says. I work for a nonprofit that is a trade group for a large network of organizations. We are having our upcoming lobby day this spring, and sent out the “message from our president” to encourage people to come to the event. Only the email title included “virtual” lobby day, when the event is taking place in person. Our president emailed me and the rest of department staff being like, “wtf” I took a look at what happened in Constant Contact – I personally didn't have anything to do with sending it out, however the stupid email draft went through many chains of command (including mine, boss's etc) and it was missed. I'm already an anxious mess because we're about to do some restructuring after a member of department leadership retires, and I'm panicking that this might just be the cherry on top to clean…

Just like what the title says. I work for a nonprofit that is a trade group for a large network of organizations. We are having our upcoming lobby day this spring, and sent out the “message from our president” to encourage people to come to the event.

Only the email title included “virtual” lobby day, when the event is taking place in person. Our president emailed me and the rest of department staff being like, “wtf”

I took a look at what happened in Constant Contact – I personally didn't have anything to do with sending it out, however the stupid email draft went through many chains of command (including mine, boss's etc) and it was missed.

I'm already an anxious mess because we're about to do some restructuring after a member of department leadership retires, and I'm panicking that this might just be the cherry on top to clean house.

My comms friends tell me it's really no big deal, shit happens like that all the time, but somehow it feels like it's all my fault.

Maybe this is something that should be reserved for my therapist at our session tomorrow (lol), but even when I'm enjoying my job, I'm always 3 seconds to midnight/having a work anxiety meltdown and I just needed to put this somewhere and hope I can get some sleep tonight instead of lying awake anxious.

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