
Work are screwing me over!

Hi y'all, first a lilttle preface. I'm a M(23) with ASD (Autism) ADHD, severe anxiety (general and social, I can't leave my house unless someone pushes me) I'm type 1 diabetic (the one that injects 4 times a day) and have been since I was 18 months old (meaning I basically have the immune system of a 2 year old) and I have weak knees, I can't walk without a crutch or other aid. Oh I'm also hard of hearing and oartially deaf in my left ear (wow writing it all out makes it seem like a lot) So, our story today, I have been off work for a week and a bit now, I think it's long term covid after doing some research (doctors are relucant to diagnoise me with anything because of my diabeties) and I told my work this on Monday (7th March) to which they replied…

Hi y'all, first a lilttle preface.

I'm a M(23) with ASD (Autism) ADHD, severe anxiety (general and social, I can't leave my house unless someone pushes me) I'm type 1 diabetic (the one that injects 4 times a day) and have been since I was 18 months old (meaning I basically have the immune system of a 2 year old) and I have weak knees, I can't walk without a crutch or other aid. Oh I'm also hard of hearing and oartially deaf in my left ear (wow writing it all out makes it seem like a lot)

So, our story today, I have been off work for a week and a bit now, I think it's long term covid after doing some research (doctors are relucant to diagnoise me with anything because of my diabeties) and I told my work this on Monday (7th March) to which they replied “Ok, you need a sick note as it's been more than a week” This is strange to me as none of my other jobs (had 3 other long term jobs since I was 16) have ever asked for one and I've been off sick for waay longer. Anyway, I ask my doctors for one and they say I have to of been seen physically by a doctor, at the surgery. This wouldn't be an issue, except my doctors is 40 mins away, the busses in my area stopped running at the start of the year, and I have no one who could drive me. I told my work this, and all they said was “We ask you politely to somehow find a way to get a fitness for work from from your gp” Oh and they keep marking me as ill before our start the day meetings, like a full half hour before and we are not aloud to change it.

Like ok, I can kinda see why I need a form, bu tyou know I can't get there (granted they don't know my doctors is 40 mins away) and suffer with not being able to get outside.

So what should I do? I've decided I WILL leave this job, just not yet as I have a partner and a daughter to provide for, any advice is mucb appreciated, thanks on advance!

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