
Work condition questions.

Our building is getting remodeled, and there is dust everywhere, friday I almost had an asthma attack, but couldn’t leave because we’re short handed. I got home and had to use my inhaler. The area where I spend most time is enclosed for security, so not a lot we can do to ventilate. Lucky I was off mod-wed. Came back today and it’s even worse, I’m coughing, my coworker apparently had a “cold” and the dust is making her worse. I talked to manager she went and bought swiffers and other stuff. Apparently tomorrow they will be sanding the walls to paint. I don’t think that is healthy for anyone. Not sure what to do. We have another office were AC broke and they kept it open for about 4 days with no AC (I live in FL) the regional manager brought them ice cream no one says anything, IDK…

Our building is getting remodeled, and there is dust everywhere, friday I almost had an asthma attack, but couldn’t leave because we’re short handed. I got home and had to use my inhaler. The area where I spend most time is enclosed for security, so not a lot we can do to ventilate. Lucky I was off mod-wed.
Came back today and it’s even worse, I’m coughing, my coworker apparently had a “cold” and the dust is making her worse. I talked to manager she went and bought swiffers and other stuff. Apparently tomorrow they will be sanding the walls to paint. I don’t think that is healthy for anyone. Not sure what to do. We have another office were AC broke and they kept it open for about 4 days with no AC (I live in FL) the regional manager brought them ice cream no one says anything, IDK what do do, because if I call in I will have to use my sick time. I k ow this sounds whiny. This sucks

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