
Work decides to ignore availability and schedule on days they know I cannot make it in

I don't have a car that is legal. They know it is because I am dealing with the state to get my title. I am saving to get an e-bike for temporary measure and am only 2 checks (1 month basically) from getting it. This weekend apparently they decided to schedule me on days my ride will not be available to get me. They know this. They did it anyway. Well guess I'm about to he fired for excessive call outs just when my life was coming back together from being completely uprooted from everything back in January. I'm so fucked. Only have enough for 2 months of rent, and the bumbfuck rural town i live has the 0 job opportunities. Can't wait to be homeless (again) in an illegal car that has no insurance or registration

I don't have a car that is legal. They know it is because I am dealing with the state to get my title. I am saving to get an e-bike for temporary measure and am only 2 checks (1 month basically) from getting it.

This weekend apparently they decided to schedule me on days my ride will not be available to get me. They know this. They did it anyway.

Well guess I'm about to he fired for excessive call outs just when my life was coming back together from being completely uprooted from everything back in January.

I'm so fucked. Only have enough for 2 months of rent, and the bumbfuck rural town i live has the 0 job opportunities. Can't wait to be homeless (again) in an illegal car that has no insurance or registration

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