
“Work ethic” and the lack of reward for work

At my job there was going to be a MASSIVE surge in the amount of stuff I need to do, the reasons were actually completely legitimate and I don't have a complaint about that. The work came in and I, like a fool, rose to the challenge. I triaged the tasks, got the most time sensitive done first then went to backfill what I could, I got all of it done in time. I knew when I was doing it that I was engaging basically in economic self harm, working harder for the same pay isn't sensible. But I've got the desire to get shit done so I did. I got no thanks. I got no appreciation. I got no recognition of the fact that I'd basically done a week of work in two days. What I DID get was a lecture because I hadn't followed one tiny bit of…

At my job there was going to be a MASSIVE surge in the amount of stuff I need to do, the reasons were actually completely legitimate and I don't have a complaint about that.

The work came in and I, like a fool, rose to the challenge. I triaged the tasks, got the most time sensitive done first then went to backfill what I could, I got all of it done in time.

I knew when I was doing it that I was engaging basically in economic self harm, working harder for the same pay isn't sensible. But I've got the desire to get shit done so I did.

I got no thanks. I got no appreciation. I got no recognition of the fact that I'd basically done a week of work in two days.

What I DID get was a lecture because I hadn't followed one tiny bit of policy to the letter (at the request of several managers, and to speed things up). They said I was lucky there was a bit of gray area in the procedures or else they'd “write me up” whatever the fuck that means. Will it go on my permanant record too?

And here's the thing.

My stupid ass self was willing to do extra work for no extra pay just becuase I've got a brain that wants to solve problems.

If I'd gotten someone saying thanks I'd have felt good about it.

Recognition damn well doesn't replace financial incentives, but along with financial incentives it's actually pretty motivating.

But now?

Fuck 'em.

I'm working just barely hard enough not to get fired from this point. I should have been from the beginning. I knew that. But the lesson has been driven home.

I'll be working slow, taking all my breaks, and not stressing even slightly if there's any work left undone. Not my circus. Not my monkeys.

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