
work for myself or not work at all.

With continued health problems and not getting any help I definitely need to make a move. Since I don't trust that I'll be able to get disability in a corrupt rigged system I need to do something. I can't keep doing what I do or I might not survive. I've seen several doctors that are clueless about my illness which is getting worse. Plus I have problems with just about every other part of my body I need to do something and fast. I know I've posted on here and other groups about wanting to do something but I really need to make it happen. It's either that or doing nothing. I get it's hard working for yourself with the hours and money involved but my health is much more important to me than being a robot. I have aches and pains and my aches have their own pains. I…

With continued health problems and not getting any help I definitely need to make a move. Since I don't trust that I'll be able to get disability in a corrupt rigged system I need to do something. I can't keep doing what I do or I might not survive. I've seen several doctors that are clueless about my illness which is getting worse. Plus I have problems with just about every other part of my body I need to do something and fast. I know I've posted on here and other groups about wanting to do something but I really need to make it happen. It's either that or doing nothing. I get it's hard working for yourself with the hours and money involved but my health is much more important to me than being a robot. I have aches and pains and my aches have their own pains. I can't even sir down without my legs hurting from bone spurs and arthritis. Back issues and a stomach that doesn't function without the use of laxatives and electrical devices is the norm now for me. I thought I would eventually find a business partner but everyone was all talk no action. But I can't wait any longer and need to make a move on my own. I have to force myself to go to work while my health continues to suffer for so little in return. This might look like a rant to some but if you had the health issues I do you might think the same as me. Hopefully all of us will have a great year of some kind.

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