
Work forcing me to come in while Covid+

Just tested positive a few days ago, messaged my boss as soon as I got the result to let them know. Today I took another test and I'm still positive, although my symptoms are very manageable. Let my boss know and they said “Well, that sucks – but our company does not see covid as a thing anymore. So come in.” For more info, I work in a front facing role where I interact with hundreds of people a day – as well as my team, which to be fair I am working with my boss tomorrow. I said to her – “that's fine, but know that you and the team run the risk of catching covid if I come in then.” “That's fine.” They respond. I think this is grossly irresonsible of the company, to make that call for other employees and knowingly exposing them to covid+ coworkers. Not…

Just tested positive a few days ago, messaged my boss as soon as I got the result to let them know.

Today I took another test and I'm still positive, although my symptoms are very manageable. Let my boss know and they said “Well, that sucks – but our company does not see covid as a thing anymore. So come in.”

For more info, I work in a front facing role where I interact with hundreds of people a day – as well as my team, which to be fair I am working with my boss tomorrow.

I said to her – “that's fine, but know that you and the team run the risk of catching covid if I come in then.”

“That's fine.” They respond.

I think this is grossly irresonsible of the company, to make that call for other employees and knowingly exposing them to covid+ coworkers. Not to mention the general public where there could be vurnerable people in our workplace or vurnerable people in coworkers families (which there is, I am in contact with many elderly people during work)

This is also a failing of the UK goverment, where they have removed the policy for covid+ people to stay at home. We've been so quick to forget the risk this virus poses to vurnerable people and the tens of thousands that died.

I think it's absolutely morally bankrupt

Walking in with a mask tomorrow to tell all my coworkers and customers that I have Covid but company policy forced me to come in when I am working my shift tomorrow.

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