
Work “forgot” to put me on the schedule for a day, so I “forgot” that I had to come in today

They have zero paper documentations to prove that I was supposed to be there today just word of mouth, so I probably won’t get in trouble. If they give me shit for it tomorrow I’m just going to remind them that if I can get in trouble for this, they should also get in trouble for this, because this isn’t the first time someone has completely fucked up the schedule, it’s actually probably about the sixth or seventh time. I’m also on good terms with the franchise owner, who’s been nothing but respectful and kind to me. She even fixed my glasses for me when one of the arms broke. There’s been one shift manager through the entire store that has been a consistent issue. She even one time tried to deny service to a disabled veteran because he brought his service dog in here (100% illegal) and my jurisdiction…

They have zero paper documentations to prove that I was supposed to be there today just word of mouth, so I probably won’t get in trouble. If they give me shit for it tomorrow I’m just going to remind them that if I can get in trouble for this, they should also get in trouble for this, because this isn’t the first time someone has completely fucked up the schedule, it’s actually probably about the sixth or seventh time.

I’m also on good terms with the franchise owner, who’s been nothing but respectful and kind to me. She even fixed my glasses for me when one of the arms broke. There’s been one shift manager through the entire store that has been a consistent issue. She even one time tried to deny service to a disabled veteran because he brought his service dog in here (100% illegal) and my jurisdiction is one of the states that takes service dog protections one step further by making it a criminal offense to attempt to interfere with the duties of any service animal.

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