
Work From Home: The modern solution to most office problems

Smaller Chance of Workplace Bullying 48 million americans are bullied at work. This includes spiteful comments, office politics, verbal criticism, exclusion, aggressive language, rumors, practical jokes, and most importantly SABOTAGE. When you work from home everything is ideally recorded or has the chance to be recorded. Verbal communication, written communication, everything. No more comments you can't prove without witnesses. No more, “that's not what I meant”. No more sabotage because of “work getting lost” or being tampered with. There ideally should be a chain of evidence through email and submission software. I really don't see how companies wouldn't want something like this? No More Commute You don't have to waste time on the train, bus, or anything. No more “this train is being held by a sick passenger.” No chances of being attacked by criminals lurking for victims to rob. No aggressive people in public or anything. This makes…

Smaller Chance of Workplace Bullying

48 million americans are bullied at work. This includes spiteful comments, office politics, verbal criticism, exclusion, aggressive language, rumors, practical jokes, and most importantly SABOTAGE.

When you work from home everything is ideally recorded or has the chance to be recorded. Verbal communication, written communication, everything. No more comments you can't prove without witnesses. No more, “that's not what I meant”. No more sabotage because of “work getting lost” or being tampered with. There ideally should be a chain of evidence through email and submission software. I really don't see how companies wouldn't want something like this?

No More Commute

You don't have to waste time on the train, bus, or anything. No more “this train is being held by a sick passenger.” No chances of being attacked by criminals lurking for victims to rob. No aggressive people in public or anything. This makes worker safety shoot up immensely. Especially if your workers like to leave to grab lunch as well.

No More Middle Management

No more people who's entire job is there to walk around and make sure that you are “working.” You hand in your work by the deadline, your boss takes a look or has someone review it, then you just move on. That is what life should be. Exchanging your labor for a wage.


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