
Work hasn’t paid me 7 days after they were supposed to

Hello, first time posting here, but I wasn’t sure where else to get advice on this. I work as a brand ambassador for a company that only pays once a month. The pay period closes at the 1st of each new month, and last month there was an issue where I hadn’t been paid still on the 7th of the month. I messaged the girl in charge of our pay roll to which she replied “per our contract we have 10 days after the pay period closes to issue payment.” Well, this month same thing has happened, except it’s the 17th of the month and I still haven’t received my direct deposit. I messaged the girl in charge of payroll on the 11th letting her know I still hadn’t been paid to which she replied saying she’d sent all the hours in but was waiting for the go ahead from…

Hello, first time posting here, but I wasn’t sure where else to get advice on this. I work as a brand ambassador for a company that only pays once a month. The pay period closes at the 1st of each new month, and last month there was an issue where I hadn’t been paid still on the 7th of the month. I messaged the girl in charge of our pay roll to which she replied “per our contract we have 10 days after the pay period closes to issue payment.” Well, this month same thing has happened, except it’s the 17th of the month and I still haven’t received my direct deposit. I messaged the girl in charge of payroll on the 11th letting her know I still hadn’t been paid to which she replied saying she’d sent all the hours in but was waiting for the go ahead from the company owner to issue payment. On the 14th she messaged again saying payment should be issued soon. It’s now the 17th and I still haven’t received the payment. Obviously this is illegal and a breech of our contract, but what do I do about it? It’s a smaller, newer company, but being only paid once a month was already making money tight for me. I have bills that need to be paid and Christmas presents that need to be bought. It also seems to be a pretty consistent issue that they don’t pay when the pay period closes, but I did receive my payment exactly on the 10th of the month last month.

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