
Work is a nightmare

So I have been with my department for 2+ years. Not permanent but contract term. I have had 3 different roles in this time. Only 1 gave me any training. (In fact this area is KNOWN for its shit training. Which i didn't know until I relocated for the job).The first one said here's your chair good luck. The 2nd (good one) was short lived as it was filling in. The third one is a nightmare. First off yes I have made some mistakes, I own that. But my boss constantly reminds me of them. And the direction I get is non existent. When I do what is asked I am asked why I did it that way, its wrong, how do you not know this yet? Having never been told, or shown. And at the same time my boss has me so nervous I am scared to ask for…

So I have been with my department for 2+ years. Not permanent but contract term. I have had 3 different roles in this time. Only 1 gave me any training. (In fact this area is KNOWN for its shit training. Which i didn't know until I relocated for the job).The first one said here's your chair good luck. The 2nd (good one) was short lived as it was filling in. The third one is a nightmare. First off yes I have made some mistakes, I own that. But my boss constantly reminds me of them. And the direction I get is non existent. When I do what is asked I am asked why I did it that way, its wrong, how do you not know this yet? Having never been told, or shown. And at the same time my boss has me so nervous I am scared to ask for direction because I know its the same answer. I was literally asked if I had a learning disability. I don't. Greetings and small talk with everyone around me and not bother to acknowledge me, when walking by me to speak to coworkers. I am not saying that we need to do each other's hair and tell secrets but to be ignored makes me feel insignificant. I am trying to find another job but in the meantime I am so stressed out and its causing me to make mistakes and make me look even worse. Just needed to vent.

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