
Work mucking me around

So my workplace has been full of absolute assholes and I didn't notice till day 3 (there is much more than just this), I work in a factory where we all wear earmuffs and can't really hear each other. One of my coworkers tried to ask me to do something but I misheard him and walked around our machine so I could better understand what he said, he then proceeded to throw his hands up in the air and cuss me out calling me useless and that he's not there to baby sit me (I've been in the workforce for 4 years and am 18 and he seemed to be in his late 40s early 50s) I think I'd understand that I don't need to be babysat considering at my other jobs I was fine working by myself ONCE I was trained enough to do so. This then continued with…

So my workplace has been full of absolute assholes and I didn't notice till day 3 (there is much more than just this), I work in a factory where we all wear earmuffs and can't really hear each other. One of my coworkers tried to ask me to do something but I misheard him and walked around our machine so I could better understand what he said, he then proceeded to throw his hands up in the air and cuss me out calling me useless and that he's not there to baby sit me (I've been in the workforce for 4 years and am 18 and he seemed to be in his late 40s early 50s) I think I'd understand that I don't need to be babysat considering at my other jobs I was fine working by myself ONCE I was trained enough to do so. This then continued with other employees on the same level as me complaining and trying to yell at me for not being fast enough for their speed when I was put on the same job by myself still not with enough training to be left on the job that is also meant to be run by 2-3 people. Supervisors have also tried complaining to me about wanting to swap jobs multiple times due to verbal abuse from other employees and my health on specific jobs (I have chronic knee pain and am in the process of a celiac diagnoses, which they knew about) I have brought it up with HR but have received no apology from anyone who verbally abused me or complained to me about MY health issues, nor did HR try to comfort me about it which made me feel like shit. I ended up resigning on the day I was meant to hand in a leave form to go see my family for my nephew's birthday who live 13 hours away from me who I hadn't seen in 6 months (my sister has a 4 month old and 2 toddlers, this is relevant later). On the day I resigned I told them that the reason I was resigning was because yet again I had been verbally abused by the first person who originally had a go at me, I told them I was fed up of them doing nothing and that I can't deal with it anymore. Sadly I've had to go back as its one of the only jobs in this town that you don't need a degree for and it actually pays well (I'm sure you can see why), since being back I've had the same people who shouted at me come up and say snarky remarks or just give me evils which makes me feel unsafe so I had asked to be moved to a different room, this took about a week to take effect (could've been done faster imo). I feel like there should've been some disciplinary act against them because of how they treated me and I'd been told that I wasnt the first that any of them had done it to. When I got back to work after resigning I handed into my leave request to the same room I originally worked in and thought that shouldve been that as it was unpaid and I had told them that I had no choice as its a 4 year olds birthday party and I wasnt going to tell him no. I thought that was that but apparently at the induction I have to track people down to make sure that it is accepted, that was the first time id ever heard of this and it sure as hell wasn't talked about during induction or I would've done so (I'm a people pleaser so it's against my nature not to do everything by the books), however they have been real shit on their part about not contacting me considering they decided not to tell me that COVID was discovered on the plant the day after I'd left to go see my family (which they knew I was taking regardless because I'd put it in my leave request), this made me fuming I only found out because my SIL works as one of their HR assistants and probably the only HR person that actually works for employees rights and benefits. I'd gotten no contact from my workplace about any of if it was true or not. In my last week of my holiday I'd contracted COVID from my stepdad who gave it to my mum as well, as soon as I got symptoms I rung my work place to tell them what had happened and said I'll send proof of my tests as soon as I get some, I got a call from SIL who works there and she confirmed that they received my message and that I sounded like shit, a couple days later I had a call from the hiring manager who said I'd apparently gone awol even tho I told them exactly when I'd be gone and when I'd be back (don't know how that's considered awol) and I even told him that I'd contracted symptoms of COVID. He later denied this when I brought it up with him, along with HR denying that SIL passed on the info about me having COVID which I damn well know she did, so they'd basically denied I had it and that I was lying about the entire thing and for in their opinion not wanting to return to work (I loved the new part of the plant I was placed in and looked forward to returning to it) didn't deserve my subsidy which meant I had to raid my parents fridge and pantry while I was their alone losing my mind because I like having some human contact as everyone would, and feeling immense guilt for eating their food. I went into work today to follow up on what has been happening and why I haven't gotten any contact (I've got buttloads of evidence that I have made contact with them but received nothing back). These people are pushing my limits and I'm ready to take them to court (I live in NZ for people wondering about laws) am I able to do so without it backfiring on me for apparently going awol?

Tldr: got verbally abused for health nothing happened with the people who verbally abused me, caught COVID and work refused to give me subsidy because I was “lying”

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