
Work policies are anti-human.

I just want to rant a bit about a little discussion I just had with my managers. TL;DR: New manager prohibits sharing company food with colleagues and if a have a problem with it I can eat shit and die I guess. Context: I work at a worldwide known food chain involving burgers and monarchy (wink wink). For the most part the place is fine and the colleagues are nice. In this chain workers have the right to take a free menu if they work a minimum of 5 hours that day. In theory you can't take the food home, you have to eat it right then and there, and you can't give that food to another colleague. But we don't really follow those rules, we mostly take the food home and it is normal to give away your food to a colleague if you don't want it. Now we…

I just want to rant a bit about a little discussion I just had with my managers.

TL;DR: New manager prohibits sharing company food with colleagues and if a have a problem with it I can eat shit and die I guess.

Context: I work at a worldwide known food chain involving burgers and monarchy (wink wink). For the most part the place is fine and the colleagues are nice. In this chain workers have the right to take a free menu if they work a minimum of 5 hours that day. In theory you can't take the food home, you have to eat it right then and there, and you can't give that food to another colleague. But we don't really follow those rules, we mostly take the food home and it is normal to give away your food to a colleague if you don't want it. Now we have a new manager whose making a lot of little changes and today they spoke about that food policy. Here's the chat log from the group chat (English isn't our main language so the translation might be a little off)

Manager: It is also totally forbidden to give food to staff. I think I've behaved well with all of you for these things to happen, it can't be that my bosses continually call me for personal meals. You have cameras in every corner and you still haven't learned.

Me: If I don't want the menu to which I am entitled for working the minimum 5 hours and I throw it away, is it also prohibited? Or is it only a problem if I want to give it to a colleague?

Manager: You CANNOT give staff food, if you don't want it, you don't get it. You have the company rules on the board posted, if you have any questions you have it there very well explained.

Me: Since company rules are imposed only for the benefit and protection of the company in mind, no offense, bu I prefer to ignore those that are inhumane. It is my right to personal food and that same right implies doing what I want with it: throw it away, save it for later, give it to a colleague (especially if they don't have a menu because they only work 4.5 hours -_-'), etc. I still don't understand what the problem is beyond “It's forbidden” “It's company policy” and so on. I am not selling it for my benefit, I am not throwing it away and it is not going to harm anyone in any way, I am just giving it to a partner, something totally normal, harmless and human. I don't want to make trouble, I know that those above are probably breathing down your neck. But I think that those of us at the base of the pyramid can also set limits.

Side manager: The rules are not to be respected or to be in agreement with , they are to be fulfilled. There are also things that I don't like or don't seem right to me and it's what it is. It's my job and I do it, period. I don't like to eat fights or risk a penalty for others. The rules also say that you have to eat the menu in the restaurant and not take it with you. So if you want it, consume it in the restaurant because it's your right to work those hours but you can't give it an that's it. People who do not work those minimum hours , I'm very sorry, but they do not have the right to a menu.

Me: Rules are to organize and protect the members of a community, so it is important that these members understand and respect those rules. When this is not the case, they are examined, adjusted, changed and if necessary removed. Not “It is what it is”, things can change. Blindly following the rules without questioning them gives broadband to those who impose them to abuse their power. What I suppose you are talking about are the “rules” set by the company to protect the company itself and its monetary benefits, which will be oppressive towards the employee, always. You don't want to eat shit from them and keep your job, understandable. Some demands seem absurd to me, like the fact that I can't choose what to do with my food. I am going to continue giving it up, if I am going to be fired for it, let me know before Monday.

Side manager: You're not going to give it up on my shifts, I'm sorry. Because if I take it without you being the one who eats it, the sanction is not only for you, it's for me and I'm not going to play my position or a sanction, neither for you nor for anyone r. I am very happy for the people who do not need the job, I like it more or less here but that's the way it is, if you don't agree,you are free to talk to those who impose the rules and they will know how to tell you the things that we tell you but in another way. I am not going to discuss something that is already more than clear.

And I'm FUMING. How is it so bad to be a decent person?

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