
Work tried to force me to come in to the office and I fought back

I'd been working fully remote for two years during the pandemic. One day late last year my boss says I have to call HR and talk to them about coming in to the office a few days a week. They wanted everyone to come in at least a couple of days a week and they decided to make an issue of it. I tried it out for a couple of weeks but really missed my couch and all of my streaming services, plus hanging out in my pajamas all day. Anyway that was the straw that broke the camel's back, so I quit. After just chilling for the holidays I decided to browse jobs on the internet and saw one where I thought I was about a 70% match. I applied and they emailed the next morning to request an interview! Apparently they thought I was a much better fit…

I'd been working fully remote for two years during the pandemic.

One day late last year my boss says I have to call HR and talk to them about coming in to the office a few days a week. They wanted everyone to come in at least a couple of days a week and they decided to make an issue of it.

I tried it out for a couple of weeks but really missed my couch and all of my streaming services, plus hanging out in my pajamas all day. Anyway that was the straw that broke the camel's back, so I quit.

After just chilling for the holidays I decided to browse jobs on the internet and saw one where I thought I was about a 70% match. I applied and they emailed the next morning to request an interview! Apparently they thought I was a much better fit than I did, ha ha. The best part was the job was supposed to be 100% remote. It's on now French Open, I thought! I try to catch all the big tennis majors when I'm WFH.

Anyway, I get this email from HR and they start saying this job was hybrid too! Three days in the office at least twice a month, blah, blah, bah. I was like, here we go again, totally crushed! I decided to do the interview anyway and good thing I did, the hiring manager reassured me that no one ever actually goes to the office, they just say that hybrid stuff for the big bosses back at HQ. So I did a couple more rounds of interviews that went amazing and I start my new REMOTE job next week. 25% pay bump and 20 days of PTO too, so SUCK IT OLD JOB! It just proves you should stick to your convictions and not back down when the man tries to stick it to you.

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