
“Work” tried to steal my blood

throwaway account for obvious reasons. Long story short. I was recently offered a temp position at a pharmaceutical drug company in IL through a temp agency in NJ. Well Friday was my second day of orientation. Already did the urine drug screening with temp agency last week. The client (the drug company) told me that I needed to give a blood sample directly to them. And that if I didn't do it within 2 weeks I would be terminated (so not exactly optional). This was news to me. I was weirded out by the whole thing because I figured they could ask for information about my blood but it didn't feel right giving them my blood physically directly (especially because they are not technically my employer, definitely not my doctor). Also get this, they say its not a drug test but they warned they would be screening for drugs and…

throwaway account for obvious reasons.

Long story short. I was recently offered a temp position at a pharmaceutical drug company in IL through a temp agency in NJ.

Well Friday was my second day of orientation. Already did the urine drug screening with temp agency last week. The client (the drug company) told me that I needed to give a blood sample directly to them. And that if I didn't do it within 2 weeks I would be terminated (so not exactly optional). This was news to me. I was weirded out by the whole thing because I figured they could ask for information about my blood but it didn't feel right giving them my blood physically directly (especially because they are not technically my employer, definitely not my doctor). Also get this, they say its not a drug test but they warned they would be screening for drugs and if they find any “it will be acknowledged” were the exact words she used. I didn't see any paperwork for the blood sample yet so I didn't know all the tests they would run. They also wanted us to pre-emptively tell any drugs were prescribed. I figured they were supposed to pay for a blood test run by the agency if they wanted to test my blood.

Everyone had made their appointments at the on-site doctor (there were only a few of us) I was the last to call the nurse. The nurse tells me since we were right next door to the office we'll do the samples consecutively and she didn't even take my appointment. So I get back in the room with the trainer and my name is on the board to go do the blood sample next. And I'm thinking wtf why am I next I haven't even made my appointment yet. When the trainer found that out I didn't make the appointment yet she snapped at me to do it immediately then. And I have to admit it felt like Bilbo from LOTR trying to get the ring of power from Frodo. And I'm thinking what the hell is that, I had 2 weeks to do it and now I have to do it right now. wtf. This test seemed like it would be almost be under the table.

I ended up going out of the room to make the appointment again and when I came back I was pissed and upset. I ended up just leaving the worksite because I was scared honestly.

So I called the temp agency and the recruiter claimed he didn't know about the blood sample. Which I'm not sure if that's true. This was Friday so I left for the weekend.

My agency called me Sunday night and said I was still good to go back Monday morning which I was glad because I'm looking to get back to work. They didn't say whether I'd still have to take the test or not.

When I woke from a dream in the middle of Sunday night I had another realization about what happened Friday. Another interaction with the trainer threw me off. I was trying to fill out my timesheet for the week (only went Thursday and Friday so two days). and I asked her when the meal break would be and she replied the times are on the board. I smelled a big rat because I actually took the meal break at a legal time (IL you have to take it before a certain time or at least make it look like you did) but wanted me to write it down as if I hadn't. Started at 6 I took my break at 11 and she's trying to get me write that I actually took my meal at 12 which would be too late. The funny thing was if anyone would get trouble for the “non-compliant” time card it would actually be the temp agency (my true employer). Also we just had a big spiel about the necessity to write data down accurately to reality and so its red flag for me the first form I filled out and they're already asking me to fill it out funny.

I woke up and told the agency about the meal break thing because I got bad vibes I did not want to go back until they explain the timecard thing.

Got a call from the agency like twenty minutes ago and they told me the client terminated my contract. The agency is asking for an explanation from the drug company but I haven't gotten one yet. I'll be surprised if they get one. I know this is antiwork but Sucks man I needed this. This feels illegal to me but im not a lawyer lol.

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