
Work trying to change my schedule because they messed up. Told them I can work another shift instead

So I work retail long story short coworker put in a request off because he got his dad Eagles tickets to the SNF Eagles/Packers game tomorrow. Well work scheduled my coworker till 8 I was suppose to be done at 4. Dude called work and now instead of me getting call or text from manager I'm getting a text from my GF them telling her to tell me I'm working till 7. They have to ask first since the schedule is already up. Other issue is I'm going to the game with my Uncle as my cousin has a newborn exactly 3 Months old tomorrow sick. His wife wants him to stay home so my uncle texted me about going so I told him yes. I work close enough I told them with an 8:15 or so game I can get there if I work till 6 or so. They…

So I work retail long story short coworker put in a request off because he got his dad Eagles tickets to the SNF Eagles/Packers game tomorrow. Well work scheduled my coworker till 8 I was suppose to be done at 4. Dude called work and now instead of me getting call or text from manager I'm getting a text from my GF them telling her to tell me I'm working till 7. They have to ask first since the schedule is already up. Other issue is I'm going to the game with my Uncle as my cousin has a newborn exactly 3 Months old tomorrow sick. His wife wants him to stay home so my uncle texted me about going so I told him yes.

I work close enough I told them with an 8:15 or so game I can get there if I work till 6 or so. They do this constantly to people and what pisses me off is they did the same to me in my other department. There was a younger Assistant manager who I was good friends with. She wasn't your typical manager and always sided with the employees on issues and took care of a lot of issues. Everyone would go through her to ask me to come in etc. I started realizing what they were doing and said something to her how they were using her to get to me since they knew I'd usually say yes to her as she was one of the few I'd ever come in for. After that whenever someone asked her to ask me to come in for them she basically told them to fuck off and do it themselves and she wasn't going to be used by them as it wasn't fair to either one of us. After she left those favors really did stop too for a lot of people

Since my current department manager knows I'm dating a girl in our department which he's ok with he's always going through her together to me if I'm not there now. Which isn't really appreciated. Also I can't talk to him about boundaries etc. The dude is pretty close minded individual who supports a lot of beliefs of a certain party. So talking to him is like talking to a brick wall. He's your typical work to live and god forbid you take a few days off. Overall he's a lot better then most of the managers there and works holidays unlike a lot of the other department heads there.

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