
work vs government benefits

I started a new job. The pay is low but it's what I could find and it works for now. A co worker just quit due to a not so nice letter the manger left saying things weren't being done properly. The other reason she left is her benefits were stopped. The government decided that the hours she worked was too much, even with low pay, and cut off her social security and food stamps. She says she can't afford a nice meal for the holidays. Like wtf. She made more not working, then working.

I started a new job. The pay is low but it's what I could find and it works for now. A co worker just quit due to a not so nice letter the manger left saying things weren't being done properly. The other reason she left is her benefits were stopped. The government decided that the hours she worked was too much, even with low pay, and cut off her social security and food stamps. She says she can't afford a nice meal for the holidays. Like wtf. She made more not working, then working.

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