
workaholics don’t help the movement

Hello reddit, just came here to vent but also to get your thoughts. I just came back from a work trip for this company that I work for. Basically we go to hospitals/offices and test equipment.. Because of this we are limited in time to which we have to complete our work, for example hospital needs MRI machine Monday we get there Friday night and do 16 hour shift in order to test this stuff and get the work done by Monday. Anyways on one of these test/trips I asked my co worker what time is he flying back and he mentioned about 9 am, the issue is that the shift ends at 6 am, and the airport is about 1.5 hours away. This means that he would go to the hotel get stuff ready fast and head straight to the airport after a 16 hr shift, me on the…

Hello reddit, just came here to vent but also to get your thoughts.

I just came back from a work trip for this company that I work for. Basically we go to hospitals/offices and test equipment.. Because of this we are limited in time to which we have to complete our work, for example hospital needs MRI machine Monday we get there Friday night and do 16 hour shift in order to test this stuff and get the work done by Monday.

Anyways on one of these test/trips I asked my co worker what time is he flying back and he mentioned about 9 am, the issue is that the shift ends at 6 am, and the airport is about 1.5 hours away.

This means that he would go to the hotel get stuff ready fast and head straight to the airport after a 16 hr shift, me on the other hand decided to stay over one more night to sleep then catch the flight the next day in the morning. I asked him why did he not do this? His responds shocked me.

“I don't want to cost the company more money”

For some reason this made me mad, he is killing him self by working a 16 hour shift and then catching a 3 hr. flight. When he could have just stayed an extra day in the hotel for like 200 bucks to get the rest and then fly out. (god forbid he falls asleep at the wheel after a 16hr shift)

idk part of me thinks he had other plans, but at the same time his response got me mad, this is a billion dollar corporation that we work for, you don't have to worry about 200 bucks. My philosophy in this is that at the end of the day we are all just numbers and they would not hesitate to get rid of people.

TL;DR: coworker is a workaholic that does not want to cost a billion dollar corporation 200-400 bucks.

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