
Worked My Ass Off For Two Years, Passed Over For 7 Promotions, Had a Promotion Rescinded, and Lied to About Hours

This is more of a rant than anything, as I've gone to corperate twice and will probably go back to them again. A little context, I work at a gas station owned by a food store. I've worked there for 2 years, and this will be my 7th year working in retail. Jobs are slim where I'm from, and I'm not physically able to do all of them, however I do this job well and have been told so. Within my first 6 months of working here, I got employee of the month and was offered a promotion to manager. I agreed but the store manager kept putting it off, and putting it off, hiring a few others in my place. I thought nothing of it, it's happened before at previous jobs, and I'd only been there a year. Cut to a few months later and the head of the…

This is more of a rant than anything, as I've gone to corperate twice and will probably go back to them again.

A little context, I work at a gas station owned by a food store. I've worked there for 2 years, and this will be my 7th year working in retail. Jobs are slim where I'm from, and I'm not physically able to do all of them, however I do this job well and have been told so.

Within my first 6 months of working here, I got employee of the month and was offered a promotion to manager. I agreed but the store manager kept putting it off, and putting it off, hiring a few others in my place. I thought nothing of it, it's happened before at previous jobs, and I'd only been there a year.

Cut to a few months later and the head of the department leaves, basically sending everyone into a frenzy. People are quitting left and right, and more manager positions open. Again I'm promised a promotion and don't get it. However, people who started after me, who I trained personally, get all the positions (including department head).

After that I'd had enough and asked to be transfered departments. I did so and picked up the work quick. I was much more suited to it and was able to do things that the fuel department lead was able to do. Even then I was training people and helping out the front end. Another set of promotions was opened up that I didn't get. Here's the kicker, this time I learned it was because I couldn't drive. Now this is important, since these jobs don't require driving, and also not only could the fuel lead not drive, but one of the people that was hired instead of me also couldn't drive.

Now I'm 2 years in and I've got everything memorized. I know this place like the back of my hand. The protocols, rules, everything. I could basically run it blindfolded. Come to find out my boss is stepping down. I, of course, agree to take his spot and have training lined up. Aaannnndd they rescind the offer. He agrees to stay a few days after leaving and now I'm back at square one. This time I had the guts to ask for a raise and more hours. (I'm part time and was going to get full time). I got a tiny raise but was told we didn't have enough hours. Lo and behold one of my coworkers who started here a month ago, now gets 32 hours a week instead of the usual.

At this point, I'm just wondering how much shit I can get the store manager and this company in trouble for. Jobs are hard to come by here, but I don't think I deserve to be disrespected like that.

TL;DR – I worked at a job for 2 years, was promised multiple promotions which I didn't get for dumb reasons, and the last one was taken from me. I'm now stuck and don't know how to advance from here. I'm always the one they call on for stuff, but they won't ever give me what I need in return

Edit: I want to add that I feel singled out for all of this. It seems like all this only applies to me. I can't drive so I can't be promoted, but someone fresh out of high school who can't drive can. Even if they've only been working a few months.

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