
Worked the holiday weekend with promise of double time pay

I started a new healthcare job recently. For starters, the people “training” me didn't know what they're doing, didn't explain anything they were doing, did everything wrong, and the entire company is just super disorganized. I thought maybe things would be better in their “new” facility and it was just the one they had me training at that's bassackwards. Boss offered me double time to work new years weekend, told me both days are double. I've been relying heavily on my savings and need the extra money, so I agreed to the shifts. I don't really care about new years anyways. This was my first weekend in the new facility. Turns out it is FAR from new, it's old and worn out and wasn't designed to accommodate wheelchairs or walkers. Whatever, a job is a job, I'm sticking to it and I'm gonna do my best. Stomach flu is going…

I started a new healthcare job recently. For starters, the people “training” me didn't know what they're doing, didn't explain anything they were doing, did everything wrong, and the entire company is just super disorganized. I thought maybe things would be better in their “new” facility and it was just the one they had me training at that's bassackwards.

Boss offered me double time to work new years weekend, told me both days are double. I've been relying heavily on my savings and need the extra money, so I agreed to the shifts. I don't really care about new years anyways. This was my first weekend in the new facility. Turns out it is FAR from new, it's old and worn out and wasn't designed to accommodate wheelchairs or walkers. Whatever, a job is a job, I'm sticking to it and I'm gonna do my best.

Stomach flu is going around the facilities. I caught the stomach flu, spent Sunday night throwing up and shitting out liquid fire multiple times an hour. Monday was my day off. Here we are now, Tuesday, and I had to call in sick. There's just no way I can care for others right now, I can barely care for myself.

As I'm miserably sick I'm also stressing about whether or not I'll be getting my holiday pay. I checked the handbook because I was pretty sure they said something about this… According to the handbook if you call in the day directly before or after your holiday shift you won't receive holiday pay. Also the handbook says all holidays are time and a half, NOT double time. So I don't know what to believe, I'm sick as a dog, and I'm pre-angry because when I asked my boss about my holiday pay they just said, “If you worked you'll get paid.” I texted to confirm that's double time pay and I've not received any response.

So I may have just become sicker than I've been in years for piss-poor wages and lost out on my holiday pay as punishment for calling in sick. On top of that I figured out not everyone is making the same wages and I didn't even wanna stay once I figured that out, but decided a paycheck is better than no paycheck and I could negotiate pay later. Idk this job just sucks and I'm seeing less and less reasons to stay. If they take my holiday pay I might not come back in. It sucks that I have to worry about all this when I'm worried about how dehydrated and weak I am.

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