
Worked this job two years and am one of the top ten people who have been here longest, and yet they won’t make me shift lead or raise my pay.

Outlasted 4 GMs, 3 OMs, dozens of coworkers all while staying on overnights without complaint. Bust my ass every night and get my job and more done EVERY NIGHT, and yet they’ll move up people on morning or swing who have been here 6 months or less and never finish their work on time. All because they’re buddy buddy with higher management. Finally decided to make a post here cause I’m irritated. Current GM (who’s been here less than 6 months as well) tells me last week he wants to talk to me about my “future in the company” and is adamant it’s something positive. I’m thinking he’s finally gonna make me a lead after dangling it in my face for months. After not showing up on time the original day (yesterday) he wanted to talk to me, we talked today and he tells me I STILL am not “leader…

Outlasted 4 GMs, 3 OMs, dozens of coworkers all while staying on overnights without complaint. Bust my ass every night and get my job and more done EVERY NIGHT, and yet they’ll move up people on morning or swing who have been here 6 months or less and never finish their work on time. All because they’re buddy buddy with higher management.

Finally decided to make a post here cause I’m irritated. Current GM (who’s been here less than 6 months as well) tells me last week he wants to talk to me about my “future in the company” and is adamant it’s something positive. I’m thinking he’s finally gonna make me a lead after dangling it in my face for months. After not showing up on time the original day (yesterday) he wanted to talk to me, we talked today and he tells me I STILL am not “leader material” (funny since I’ve trained 2 shift leads already) and that I need to do more in the store if I want to become a leader. My shift and especially ME do EVERYTHING in this store and yet because we have one slacker it’s my fault- and I need to step up. My brother has cancer and I’m giving EVERYTHING For this store just to be making the same amount that brand new people being hired right now are making.

Honestly there’s more I can say about this but I’m already late going to bed for my shift tonight. Just needs to rant

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