
Working 60 or 80 hours/week is not an accomplishment deserving praise

Rich people are more deserving because they work like 80 hours a week! Oh this guy is a super hard worker that works like 60 hours a week! *clap*clap*clap* First of all: Productivity falls off a cliff after 50+ hours. So someone working 60 hours is actually doing pretty much the same as someone doing 50 hours . Second: Rich people dont work 80 hours a week. They are “active” 80 hours a week. Meaning dinners – playing golf – useless meetings – private jet travel etc are all counted as “work”. Third: Working a lot of hours isnt some feat that should be celebrated. It just shows that there is too much work – more work than one person can actually handle and that the company/department is understaffed. And that the person is misused and exploited.

Rich people are more deserving because they work like 80 hours a week!

Oh this guy is a super hard worker that works like 60 hours a week! *clap*clap*clap*

First of all: Productivity falls off a cliff after 50+ hours. So someone working 60 hours is actually doing pretty much the same as someone doing 50 hours .

Second: Rich people dont work 80 hours a week. They are “active” 80 hours a week. Meaning dinners – playing golf – useless meetings – private jet travel etc are all counted as “work”.

Third: Working a lot of hours isnt some feat that should be celebrated. It just shows that there is too much work – more work than one person can actually handle and that the company/department is understaffed. And that the person is misused and exploited.

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