Long story short, I gave my notice before the holidays since I’m starting a new job in February.
Everyone at current job is nice, I just don’t like the work and the new job is something I like. My current job is the highest paid job I’ve ever had. It is a temp job covering an executive assistant who is out on maternity. I’m actually taking a pay cut for the new job since I like the work way more.
Im struggling with keeping focused here at work and feeling kinda guilty of basically just showing up to cash a paycheck. I’m starting to get the feeling that others are noticing my lack of productivity.
My boss is currently on vacation so being his assistant, I have almost nothing to do this week. Kinda intensifying this feeling of guilt.
Idk if this is the usual kind of post in this sub and I might even be breaking rules. Im not sure what I’m looking for besides other perspectives.
Tldr: gave notice to job and feel guilty cashing a pay check not really doing much