
Working alone again

So I work for company A. Company A bought company B. They make me do customer service for company B as a “Guinea pig employee” for their poorly planned merger. Company B will be closed for inventory for the rest of the week so I will be the one person customer service rep. Again. For the next 3 days. I will be the only phone/live chat/email person. Everyone else is doing inventory or at home. They didnt tell me anything till the last minute. AGAIN. This is the third time. They said that “it should be slow” and sure it is going to be slower than December but it’s incredibly disrespectful to me to not be told till the last minute that I have to work alone again. I come in even if company a is closed because company b is opened. I come in when company b is closed…

So I work for company A. Company A bought company B. They make me do customer service for company B as a “Guinea pig employee” for their poorly planned merger.

Company B will be closed for inventory for the rest of the week so I will be the one person customer service rep. Again. For the next 3 days. I will be the only phone/live chat/email person. Everyone else is doing inventory or at home. They didnt tell me anything till the last minute. AGAIN. This is the third time.

They said that “it should be slow” and sure it is going to be slower than December but it’s incredibly disrespectful to me to not be told till the last minute that I have to work alone again. I come in even if company a is closed because company b is opened. I come in when company b is closed cause company a is opened. I don’t get to take part in any half ass company appreciation shit because I have to work while everyone else goofs off. I feel like I’m being taken advantage of and they will fire me after I train these new hires next week. I’m going to train new people because my first hand experience will help them. I don’t mind training cause I’m good at it but what’s the point when things are constantly changing and what I say might not apply next week?

Managers also admitted they lied about remote work because “how will you answer phones from home?” I pointed out I wasn’t hired to be a CSR and they responded with “things changed” and the direction they are going is everyone is csr, even though we just had a meeting before Christmas saying otherwise.

And everyone calling to yell at me for whatever bullshit reason – I’m not going to deal with it anymore. You’re getting hung up on. Go yell at someone else that you can’t order and have it delivered in your hands same day. This isn’t fast food and your on the other side of the country. Also not accepting anymore essays on how the increased prices and inflation doesn’t work for you. I know! I know it sucks prices are twice what they were a year ago, I can’t change it. I can’t do anything. Save your “customer is always right“ for someone who gets paid enough because I didn’t find a new job yet and I’m not looking to get fired just yet for manually changing prices. I already got in trouble for refunding shipping.

And I know CS shouldn’t be open when there isn’t enough people to run it but my companys goal at the moment isn’t good customer service, their words.

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