
Working class delusion

When I was younger I had a very romantic view of the working class.I liked to be like my father and his pals,strong workers who fought for their rights and were the first to strike for any injustice.The other day my colleague (blue collar worker)told me that she found a second job at weekends because she can't afford to work less than 50 hours to maintain her lifestyle.Mind she has her own house she is alone her kids are working and left the house and she doesn't even get out of the house.No holidays no pub no gigs.Just work.One day I told her very kindly that you know you should have some free time to enjoy the money you get from your hard work.I swear I could see her brain overload.I feel bad for her.How can a person get to a point that abandons all logic and oomph for money?

When I was younger I had a very romantic view of the working class.I liked to be like my father and his pals,strong workers who fought for their rights and were the first to strike for any injustice.The other day my colleague (blue collar worker)told me that she found a second job at weekends because she can't afford to work less than 50 hours to maintain her lifestyle.Mind she has her own house she is alone her kids are working and left the house and she doesn't even get out of the house.No holidays no pub no gigs.Just work.One day I told her very kindly that you know you should have some free time to enjoy the money you get from your hard work.I swear I could see her brain overload.I feel bad for her.How can a person get to a point that abandons all logic and oomph for money?

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