
working for a joke of a company.

Hoping this makes sense. Having to keep this post pretty vague considering I'm not financially stable enough to be reckless with my employment status. I make $55k USD salary in a major metropolitan city. I (31F) am working at a facility management company. I source subcontractors for things like janitorial and landscaping stuff as a third party. I'm not going to get into the minutia of how incompetently the company is run, but my boss who oversees strategic sourcing for the company plays a big part of it Long story short, the company I work for won a contract with a national client for snow removal at like 13 of their commercial buildings in the Midwest. My boss found a company that offered to subcontract with us for all of the sites! For a third of the price of the competition! They decided to go for it, and hired him…

Hoping this makes sense. Having to keep this post pretty vague considering I'm not financially stable enough to be reckless with my employment status. I make $55k USD salary in a major metropolitan city.

I (31F) am working at a facility management company. I source subcontractors for things like janitorial and landscaping stuff as a third party.

I'm not going to get into the minutia of how incompetently the company is run, but my boss who oversees strategic sourcing for the company plays a big part of it

Long story short, the company I work for won a contract with a national client for snow removal at like 13 of their commercial buildings in the Midwest.

My boss found a company that offered to subcontract with us for all of the sites! For a third of the price of the competition!

They decided to go for it, and hired him to service all of the locations. Boss at no point asked me to source backup options.

Well, as you can imagine,,,,, we got fucking scammed. he got paid and did not service a god damn one of those sites. It was hell for weeks trying to replace those snow removal vendors in the middle of the snow season

Anyway so that was a couple weeks ago and today I showed my boyfriend the LinkedIn profile of the guy who scammed us..and he like dug into this dude's company for like 5 minutes and found a bunch of red flags that would have been disqualifying if my boss did even a little bit of research on this this asshole.

My boyfriend thinks I should forward all that information to my CEO to send a message about how they should be more careful about how they conduct business.

I don't really feel safe doing that.

Also today I asked my boss about the possibility of a Salary adjustment and he said I don't go above and beyond and that he wasn't convinced im not looking for other jobs and he doesnt think I have “company loyalty” but also in the same conversation he accidentally admitted they don't have the revenue for raises!

Fuck company loyalty!! I'm here because I can't afford to not be here!!

I hate it here.

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