
Working in public sector has been the missing piece in work life balance.

I’m from Canada but same logic applies based on many other country. I have never felt so much at peace and stress free. Private sector i was always under stress, time and management up my butt trying to go above and beyond from previous metric. However nothing like this exists in the department I started working in PS. I’m unionized, don’t need to worry about job loss, insurances, no hard deadline, no monthly metric thats I need to pass and most importantly everyone seems to be so relaxed and carefree. Just to give you some example, the work I do in PS is like 2/5 of work in private due to no budget pressure. Then there no guilt trip for taking days off or vacation because even the management is unionized. Also I can get off work to run errands and then come back without any worry. The only downside…

I’m from Canada but same logic applies based on many other country. I have never felt so much at peace and stress free. Private sector i was always under stress, time and management up my butt trying to go above and beyond from previous metric.

However nothing like this exists in the department I started working in PS. I’m unionized, don’t need to worry about job loss, insurances, no hard deadline, no monthly metric thats I need to pass and most importantly everyone seems to be so relaxed and carefree.

Just to give you some example, the work I do in PS is like 2/5 of work in private due to no budget pressure. Then there no guilt trip for taking days off or vacation because even the management is unionized. Also I can get off work to run errands and then come back without any worry.

The only downside would be the pay but I am happy to have a paycut to live a stress free work life.

I never realized how great public sector is. Not every department/ team is like this but once your in public sector, you can always switch internally since there are thousands of positions open every month.

If your looking to work that is stress free, I highly suggest everyone to keep your eyes open for public sector!

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