
“Working On” Changing My Schedule

I work as a behavioral therapist and I have 4 clients. Previously, I’ve had Tuesday afternoons off consistently for things like appointments and time to work on school, as I’m a graduate student as well. My OM asked if I could add a client to my Tuesday afternoons, and I said yes as long as my availability changes elsewhere (i.e. cutting some sessions with one of my other clients, either mornings or evenings). My mistake, I suppose! Well, jump cut to this week and that client HAS been added to my schedule, but none of my other availability has changed. No sessions have been removed despite my making it clear that that was a condition. Yesterday I asked my OM about it, and she just said that they’re “working on it”. I’m worried that they will end up stringing me along with promises of “working on it” while still getting…

I work as a behavioral therapist and I have 4 clients. Previously, I’ve had Tuesday afternoons off consistently for things like appointments and time to work on school, as I’m a graduate student as well. My OM asked if I could add a client to my Tuesday afternoons, and I said yes as long as my availability changes elsewhere (i.e. cutting some sessions with one of my other clients, either mornings or evenings). My mistake, I suppose!

Well, jump cut to this week and that client HAS been added to my schedule, but none of my other availability has changed. No sessions have been removed despite my making it clear that that was a condition. Yesterday I asked my OM about it, and she just said that they’re “working on it”.

I’m worried that they will end up stringing me along with promises of “working on it” while still getting 40+ hours out of me each week, as this has happened to some of my co-workers.

How can I professionally put my foot down and make it clear that I will not allow that to happen? Quitting is not an option.

Current ideas include:
Tell them my availability is changing whether they have it figured out or not (this requires a four week notice)

Malicious compliance – schedule appointments anyways and make it very annoying for them to have to find coverage for me all the time (I would have to use my PTO for this)

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