
working through past experience

This post was inspired by a previous comment I made. I just want to vent about my old job. I worked in an Elder Law firm as a legal secretary then as a paralegal. The firm was small. In office, just myself, an office manager, and an attorney. The office manager had dated and lived with the attorney (we'll call him Steve). Steve was… odd. He was a classic Narc. Charming as hell to his clients and abusive as fuck to his staff. Especially me. He yelled a lot. Typical abusive language. We also had a shared server, on which he stored multiple suicide notes, which I stumbled across by accident. His note to me was just instructions to distribute his other notes. He kept a gun in the office and meant to do it there on Thanksgiving, so I would have been the one to find his body. I…

This post was inspired by a previous comment I made. I just want to vent about my old job. I worked in an Elder Law firm as a legal secretary then as a paralegal. The firm was small. In office, just myself, an office manager, and an attorney. The office manager had dated and lived with the attorney (we'll call him Steve). Steve was… odd. He was a classic Narc. Charming as hell to his clients and abusive as fuck to his staff.

Especially me.

He yelled a lot. Typical abusive language. We also had a shared server, on which he stored multiple suicide notes, which I stumbled across by accident. His note to me was just instructions to distribute his other notes. He kept a gun in the office and meant to do it there on Thanksgiving, so I would have been the one to find his body. I immediately told the office manager and his therapist.

He did his therapy via iPad in full earshot of me while I workes.

He had me set up his dates from his online dating profile. I had to buckle his belt for him because he “had trouble with buckles.” I found several internal pictures of his colonoscopy stores in my desk when I started. He screamed at me for not cleaning the office bathroom in front of clients (he lived in the office so the office bathroom was also his personal bathroom).

I used the office iPad to access a seminar and opened the browser to find pornography. He also told me he “accidentally” opened his browser in front of an elderly client and porn just “happened” to pop up.

More and more, I don't need to go on. The office manager said to be forgiving, since we were a family and I had to remember that he was doing his best. Anyway, just a little PSA about the dangers of a small business. I left when I had my daughter, because I didn't want her to think this was okay way to be treated in life. Businesses, even small ones, are not your friend. Be careful out there and remember your worth, and that no amount of money makes abuse worthwhile. Thanks for reading!

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