
Workplace Affair Causing Problems

This is as much a rant/vent post as asking for advice, apologies. TL:DR Boss is having an affair with subordinate who now abuses their new-found “power”. Three years ago the small business (

This is as much a rant/vent post as asking for advice, apologies. TL:DR Boss is having an affair with subordinate who now abuses their new-found “power”.

Three years ago the small business (<20 employees) I work for was purchased by a company that is technically a “multinational corporation” but there’s only 500 employees scattered among 20 locations and as far as I can tell they, as well as my location, function as a standalone small business. No one but our General Manager communicates with corporate on a regular basis except for our finance person.

Of the original employees that came over with the purchase only three remain: our production manager, customer service rep, and me (R&D).

Here is the problem. Our General Manager is having an affair with our customer service rep. They have breakfast together on-site almost every day. They also frequently have dinner, something she made for him. They’ve already been on numerous business trips together, and our General Manager has already been to more trade shows this year with her than he ever has before. One of our employees drove by her residence once in the afternoon and there was the GM”s car. They barely make any attempt to conceal it.

She is recently divorced and he is married with two kids. I don’t care what they do on their own time, but the situation is adversely affecting the business.

The General Manager’s management style is definitely top-down. He never asks anyone for input, he just makes the decision. We have ~$20,000 worth of equipment purchased (I’m sure) with PPP loan money that we can’t use because he never asked about the required specs for the equipment. Had he asked our maintenance guy, our Technical Director, or me about the equipment specs it could’ve all been avoided, but he didn’t.

The customer service rep takes full advantage of her situation. She can tell the General Manager anything and he takes her at her word. She will take a situation, spin it to make herself look good and anyone else look bad, then tell the GM her version. He will subsequently “address” the situation with the person she’s targeted. Again, no question, he just takes the CSR’s word.

She also takes advantage in other ways. Berating coworkers in an email that she copies to the GM (who always backs her), coming and going as she pleases, and taking days off without putting in for vacation days. And the GM is fine with all that.

As you can imagine this has generated quite a bit of animosity towards the CSR. Everyone tries to steer clear of her. The women in the office absolutely hate her. But nobody will say anything to the GM because they fear what retaliation might be unleashed on them (including termination) because he only listens to the CSR.

Our HR is handled by our finance person, who is also afraid of saying anything to the GM because she fears for her job.

I’ve written a book, and I could put down more examples, but you get the idea. What can I and my coworkers do about this situation?

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