
Workplace Harassment Question

I work in a unionized job. I have a coworker on my crew that has poor work ethic and is mouthy. This resulted in him getting a target on his back (one of the supervisors even told me this). Anyways, my coworker lipped off a supervisor one shift and the supervisors have ganged up togather to “get him” (which I understand where they are coming from). We have 2 lounges on site. A workers lounge and a supervisors lounge. Both with TVs in them. During my shift, it's normal in this industry to have long periods of wait times between work. During these times, people will wait in the lounge and watch TV until more work comes up. Supervisor do this as well. Well since my coworker has a target on his back, the supervisors have reported him as staying in the lounge watching TV, even when there is work…

I work in a unionized job. I have a coworker on my crew that has poor work ethic and is mouthy. This resulted in him getting a target on his back (one of the supervisors even told me this). Anyways, my coworker lipped off a supervisor one shift and the supervisors have ganged up togather to “get him” (which I understand where they are coming from).

We have 2 lounges on site. A workers lounge and a supervisors lounge. Both with TVs in them.

During my shift, it's normal in this industry to have long periods of wait times between work. During these times, people will wait in the lounge and watch TV until more work comes up. Supervisor do this as well.

Well since my coworker has a target on his back, the supervisors have reported him as staying in the lounge watching TV, even when there is work to be done. HR got involved and my coworker got a write up for time theft.

Unfortunately for me, since this guy is on my crew, it's sounding like I am getting dragged into this, even though I have done nothing wrong.

I personally have not heard anything from HR about this but one of the supervisors told me that since that other guy is on my crew, that I will most likely get written up too for the same thing.

My question is, if HR does try to write me up, is there anything I can do or say to prevent a write-up if I do get called in for a meeting? I think it's BS that every other crew uses the lounge, as well as supervisors. So how can I be getting a write-up for it, when I am not the only one who does that? I feel like this is greatly unfair that I may be getting punished for something everyone, including the supervisors do, just because 1 guy on my crew put a target on his own back.

Even though I am in a union, I highly doubt they can battle a write-up for time theft.

I also wanted to add, ever since the target was put on my coworker, the supervisors are ALWAYS watching us like hawks. They don't do this to any other crew, just ours. It's blatantly obvious they are acting this way with us but not with anyone else. Needless to say, I am royally ticked off because I personally have done nothing wrong.

Does anyone have any advice or opinions on this?

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