
Worried about employment gap

hi all! I struggled a lot after graduating high school. after losing what was my normal routine with people I had known since I was 5, I struggled to adapt to my college routine and fell into depressive episodes often. I’ve dropped a lot of classes and was fortunate enough to be living with my dad who let me focus on what classes I was enrolled in while he paid for a majority of things. now I’m 22 and have made little to no progress academically and have no work experience to put in my resume. i want to turn my life around and put all that behind me, but I worry that my school transcript from 2018-2022 and lack of employment will screw me over when I try to get a job after graduation. is there any decent way to explain employment gaps without immediately making employers want to…

hi all! I struggled a lot after graduating high school. after losing what was my normal routine with people I had known since I was 5, I struggled to adapt to my college routine and fell into depressive episodes often. I’ve dropped a lot of classes and was fortunate enough to be living with my dad who let me focus on what classes I was enrolled in while he paid for a majority of things.

now I’m 22 and have made little to no progress academically and have no work experience to put in my resume. i want to turn my life around and put all that behind me, but I worry that my school transcript from 2018-2022 and lack of employment will screw me over when I try to get a job after graduation. is there any decent way to explain employment gaps without immediately making employers want to turn you away?

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