
Worst job ever.

Worst company ever formerly RGIS which was acquired by WIS So, I have been progressively getting worse jobs even though I have a bachelor's in electrical engineering. It's always, you need 5 years of experience, but they never give anyone experience. Anway, RGIS did inventory for stores. Think: Walmart, Kohls, Stop & Shop, Target, Seven Eleven, Home Depot, Bed Bath Beyond. We did inventories for all those companies because the job was so horrendous, they didn't want their own employees doing the work. We got paid minimum wage and in almost every case were paid less than the store employees. We would come into that store once or twice a year and count everything and we would do this every day at different stores. I would have to speak to cops 3 times a week because we we're in stores past their closing times (with permission). Anyway, I started the…

Worst company ever formerly RGIS which was acquired by WIS

So, I have been progressively getting worse jobs even though I have a bachelor's in electrical engineering. It's always, you need 5 years of experience, but they never give anyone experience.

Anway, RGIS did inventory for stores. Think: Walmart, Kohls, Stop & Shop, Target, Seven Eleven, Home Depot, Bed Bath Beyond. We did inventories for all those companies because the job was so horrendous, they didn't want their own employees doing the work. We got paid minimum wage and in almost every case were paid less than the store employees. We would come into that store once or twice a year and count everything and we would do this every day at different stores. I would have to speak to cops 3 times a week because we we're in stores past their closing times (with permission).

Anyway, I started the job because I was entirely desperate. Only job I've ever had that never did a background check. I haven't done anything bad, but very odd. At the very beginning, I volunteered to be a driver as we carpooled to each job. They paid like 20 cents a mile + minimum wage. I eventually stopped for two reasons. One, employees I drove to events would openly talk about suing the carpool driver if they were ever in an accident. They would literally do this 3 feet from me. I understand people have the right to seek compensation, but to chat about it so brazenly in front of me lack any discretion. Second, I would regularly arive at the carpool meeting site early only to have a supervisor arrive 20 minutes late, pull rank and get the additional pay for driving. This would eventually cost me hundreds of dollars each paycheck.

On some days which I was not the carpool driver, I would have to drive an hour only to work for 2 hours. I would have to spend half my days wages just to arrive at the job site. I also had my catalytic converter stolen and someone smashed my bumper while working.

Then other times, they would schedule me for 40 hours straight. (not a typo, I literally couldn't walk straight after that because I was so tired)

Now the work. Places like Kohls and Target don't have any air conditioning in the inventory rooms. Imagine working multiple 12 shifts in 100+ rooms. Places like Home Depot you're completely covered in dust. Place like Agway, you completely covered in Bird shit (not exaggerating, their outdoor inventory is regularly covered in bird/rat shit) Places like stop & shop was divided based on who you were friends with. If you were friends with the supervisor, you would get the easy stuff like soup and pallets. If you did you job without complaining, you would get the difficult sections. I was stuck in HBA (Health & Beauty Aides) for 3 years. Once had a supervisor complain it took him 3 months to be promoted to supervisor.

So, everything stopped during the pandemic and we eventually came back. RGIS was bought by WIS and then WIS started firing everyone. I'm not a top counter, and I don't drive for them anymore, so they fired me. Thus completes the worst job I have ever had. 12 months latter, still don't have a job.

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