
Worst work week of my life

I had a busy week at work. Which is not weird because we are somewhat short-staffed right now. What is weird is: We are short staffed because my company (specifically my team) has an incredibly high turnover. Four people have quit in the past 6 months (which is when I began working) and guess how many of them handed over their projects to me? You guessed correctly if you said four 🙂 All four projects that have been assigned to me had updates this week, which is why I was so busy. And when I say busy I mean BUSY. I mean “have something on your plate every second from Monday morning to Friday evening” busy. It's gotten so bad, literally to the point where when I was working on a task two more would pop up. It's become (obviously unpaid) overtime and short lunch breaks. It's fine and I…

I had a busy week at work. Which is not weird because we are somewhat short-staffed right now. What is weird is: We are short staffed because my company (specifically my team) has an incredibly high turnover. Four people have quit in the past 6 months (which is when I began working) and guess how many of them handed over their projects to me? You guessed correctly if you said four 🙂

All four projects that have been assigned to me had updates this week, which is why I was so busy. And when I say busy I mean BUSY. I mean “have something on your plate every second from Monday morning to Friday evening” busy. It's gotten so bad, literally to the point where when I was working on a task two more would pop up. It's become (obviously unpaid) overtime and short lunch breaks.

It's fine and I got through it somehow and I expect it to wind down now. I'm not mad about having a busy week. Here is what I am mad about: Whenever we update a project there are three documents that we are supposed to update. I forgot to update one of these documents for one of these four projects, which my boss pointed out to me but it slipped my mind. Two days later my boss asks me when I would do it, by tagging me in a group chat with everyone no less. I told him it it slipped my mind but I would get it done by the end of the day (as I was in back-to-back meetings when I received the text), and he replies “I will do it. Next time bring a pen and paper to the meetings”.

Alright. I am going to be the bigger man here and admit that I should not have forgotten to update the document. But I am also not going to skip over the fact that his job is not to make snarky comments at someone half his age for not being on top of something that takes literally seconds to do. I am mad because if he could have kept his team from quitting en masse then I would not have been as swamped. I am mad because if he had the slightest clue about resource management he would know better than to assign everything to me and distribute new projects among other new joiners so this would not happen. I am mad because if he actually knew who was working on these project that are oh so important to him then he should have noticed I have been working my ass of the entire week. Hell I am not even mad that I had an unfair workload, I am just super pissed about the attitude. If you want to suck up to YOUR boss so bad do your goddamn documents yourself.

I am counting days until I make the fucker sign my resignation letter, and until then I will comfort myself with the fact that I will probably outlive him.


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