
Would I be an asshole for calling off work on Black Friday?

I work at a big retail store and I just saw that I've been scheduled to come in at 4 AM on black friday to work registers. I'm a part-time employee and currently a full time student. They never asked me if I could make it in that early, and no incentives to do so will be given. I will still be paid the $11/hr starting pay. It seems kinda shitty to me that this place will probably be making quite a lot of extra money from this holiday but works us extra hard with no incentive to do so. The way I see it calling off would only hurt the management and slightly inconvenience the customers with the longer lines. I don't care if the management thinks I'm a dick, the Sunday afterwards is my last day. I am moving to another job with better pay and working conditions.…

I work at a big retail store and I just saw that I've been scheduled to come in at 4 AM on black friday to work registers. I'm a part-time employee and currently a full time student. They never asked me if I could make it in that early, and no incentives to do so will be given. I will still be paid the $11/hr starting pay. It seems kinda shitty to me that this place will probably be making quite a lot of extra money from this holiday but works us extra hard with no incentive to do so.

The way I see it calling off would only hurt the management and slightly inconvenience the customers with the longer lines. I don't care if the management thinks I'm a dick, the Sunday afterwards is my last day. I am moving to another job with better pay and working conditions.

Would I be an asshole? Could anyone offer me a different POV I haven't considered?

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