
Would the timing be good if I quit before going on Vacation ?

Some advice needed! So I (23F) currently work as an Administrative Assistant for a small team. I've met a lot of awesome people from many different companies & enjoy assisting them and spending time with them. I get along really well with the receptionist too and we make a great team. However I've had a few incidents with the managers where I have felt deeply disappointed in the job and humiliated… so I've decided I'd like to get paid better and treated better elsewhere!! I won't go into details but to give you an idea, the icing on the cake of “mistreatment” was when : on orders of the regional manager, I was taken to different stores to buy some more “professional looking shoes” and they ended up buying me some uncomfortable 12$ shoes (despite my protests) saying that I didn't have a choice, that I had to comply in…

Some advice needed!

So I (23F) currently work as an Administrative Assistant for a small team.

I've met a lot of awesome people from many different companies & enjoy assisting them and spending time with them. I get along really well with the receptionist too and we make a great team.

However I've had a few incidents with the managers where I have felt deeply disappointed in the job and humiliated… so I've decided I'd like to get paid better and treated better elsewhere!!

I won't go into details but to give you an idea, the icing on the cake of “mistreatment” was when : on orders of the regional manager, I was taken to different stores to buy some more “professional looking shoes” and they ended up buying me some uncomfortable 12$ shoes (despite my protests) saying that I didn't have a choice, that I had to comply in order to meet the dress code.
As if that wasn't bad enough while trying on different models the manager with me kept taking pictures of my feet in the shoes (without my consent) texting the others in their group chat like “is this okay for her?” !! (like wtf??).

I swear it was the most embarrassing and infuriating thingg but i just wanted it over with so i took it.

Anyways I have set a “plan” in motion : to save a minimum 2 months of rent (because I just moved into a new place) and to resign before going on my 1-month family vacation, then start job-hunting once I get back.

The thing is… Do you think the plan would be a good idea? Considering the following facts:


  • This is my first actual job. My 1 year work anniversary was in February

  • There are less job offers around the holiday season

  • In my country and in my line of work, to get a better chance of finding a job you have to be fully bilingual in the 2 national languages and I only speak one (am planning on taking language classes)


-My parents seem supportive. And Dad's name is on my lease so in case my “rent savings” run out, he could step in.

  • I now live in the city so there could be more job offers here and it's easy to move around ??

-> I'm just so in doubt if the timing is right so please let me know what you think!! 🙂

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