
Would this be against the rules of this group?

Would it be against the rules to post, say, like one company (large companies) per day- and past or current employees of such companies in this group can comment about the terrible things said company has done to you or to people you know? So many companies in America are just truly god-awful to their employees. I believe it would be illuminating for outsiders to see specific examples (without naming names) about the ways in which they are awful, in a centralized way such as this.

Would it be against the rules to post, say, like one company (large companies) per day- and past or current employees of such companies in this group can comment about the terrible things said company has done to you or to people you know?

So many companies in America are just truly god-awful to their employees. I believe it would be illuminating for outsiders to see specific examples (without naming names) about the ways in which they are awful, in a centralized way such as this.

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