Hi there,
I often see Americans on r/antiwork mention how they'd love to work in Europe.
So my question is the following: if your gross income is 80k dollars, and to live in Europe you'd get an equivalent job for 40-45k euros as a gross income, would you go? If your current income is 40k dollars and you'd go down to 20-25k euros a year ( a very common salary, believe it or not), would it be the same story?
I'm asking because I'm not sure people realize how much of a mental game this would be: your wages are amongst the highest in the world, if not the highest to some degree, and yes I know that there's A LOT of stuff you guys have to pay compared to us (you're basically on your own if we take our much more socialized societes as a referenced), BUT still, I wonder how many people would really do it if they could.
So, would you do it?