
Would you do an unpaid internship for more months than you need?

I need an internship to be able to go to university and now I might have a company where I could do it but I only need 6 months of internship and they want to do 8. Because in the summer months I would be there to help them while other workers have holiday. I don't think I would have any kind of holiday and it's also unpaid the entire time because they don't need to pay me. I don't really know what to do, I really need an internship in generel but idk. If it was only the months I need, I'd consider it more but now that its more than that + I still need to pay my rents and its 2 months basically useless internship. How would you do it?

I need an internship to be able to go to university and now I might have a company where I could do it but I only need 6 months of internship and they want to do 8. Because in the summer months I would be there to help them while other workers have holiday. I don't think I would have any kind of holiday and it's also unpaid the entire time because they don't need to pay me.

I don't really know what to do, I really need an internship in generel but idk. If it was only the months I need, I'd consider it more but now that its more than that + I still need to pay my rents and its 2 months basically useless internship.

How would you do it?

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