
Wow this is a sub!?

So, OK, I hate working. I shouldn't even say that I hate working for other people. I am a busy dude all the time just by nature. I love building, fixing, upgrading.. I'm actually generally anti-communist because you know look at the CCP or North Korea but with AI and robots I really think it changes the equation. I do want people to be able to keep what they have and I love freedom and individuality. That said, let's be real, money is mostly there to force humans to work. Human labor is going to be worthless in like 5 years I think. The singularity is upon us. And like yes it's scary because we don't things to be out-of-control or starve or whatever. But if next year we all the sudden had nearly limitless fusion energy, AI and robots to to provide more us than we could ourselves anyway……

So, OK, I hate working. I shouldn't even say that I hate working for other people. I am a busy dude all the time just by nature. I love building, fixing, upgrading.. I'm actually generally anti-communist because you know look at the CCP or North Korea but with AI and robots I really think it changes the equation. I do want people to be able to keep what they have and I love freedom and individuality. That said, let's be real, money is mostly there to force humans to work. Human labor is going to be worthless in like 5 years I think. The singularity is upon us. And like yes it's scary because we don't things to be out-of-control or starve or whatever. But if next year we all the sudden had nearly limitless fusion energy, AI and robots to to provide more us than we could ourselves anyway… like do we really need to do some monotonous thing 40hrs a week!? If you want to you still could. Like if you want to chop wood, go ahead and chop some wood, heck we could have a wood chopping competition. Really though I think it wouldn't be so bad to have more time to just be expressive and do what makes you feel good. Crime would probably go higher though just because people would have too much time on their hands but other than that I don't really see why people NEED to work so bad if we can automate it enough to where human labor is worthless anyway. It is the hardest in the West I think where we tend to identify by 'what we do for a living.' I mean we are proud of it and it's a bit of a completion but like I'm fine with going bowling instead.. Am I delusional?

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