
Written explanation for wanting WFH? (New Zealand)

Hello, Recently, I have been fighting with my manager/company over getting WFH a few days a week. In a meeting, I explained to them that I'm burnt out over bad public transport, my hour long commute time, toxic work culture, and gave many other reasons. A big part of this meeting is the toll that the burnout is taking on my mental health. They really took advantage of this and pinned most of it on my mental health issues and basically said it was likely me that was the issue. They were far from nice in this meeting and pretty much bullied me. They are now asking me for a written explanation of why I would like to work from home. I feel as if they're trying to find a reason to let me go.. but I'm not sure. Has anyone else had to do something similar or know what…


Recently, I have been fighting with my manager/company over getting WFH a few days a week. In a meeting, I explained to them that I'm burnt out over bad public transport, my hour long commute time, toxic work culture, and gave many other reasons. A big part of this meeting is the toll that the burnout is taking on my mental health. They really took advantage of this and pinned most of it on my mental health issues and basically said it was likely me that was the issue. They were far from nice in this meeting and pretty much bullied me.

They are now asking me for a written explanation of why I would like to work from home. I feel as if they're trying to find a reason to let me go.. but I'm not sure. Has anyone else had to do something similar or know what they're trying to do?


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