
Yall read Soft Apocalypse?

Its by Will Mcintosh and I think its where the world is heading for sure. The ending is a bit idealist possibly, but has some good socialist ideas and the main characters view on sex and women is a tad off putting, but not so much so that I had a bad time reading it. Anyway I finished it last night and it just rings true for me. Blue collar and then white collar people becoming homeless, wars that make no sense. Its great! (and sad and scary). If there's any readers here yoy should def give it a go, its only 200 pages or so!

Its by Will Mcintosh and I think its where the world is heading for sure. The ending is a bit idealist possibly, but has some good socialist ideas and the main characters view on sex and women is a tad off putting, but not so much so that I had a bad time reading it.

Anyway I finished it last night and it just rings true for me. Blue collar and then white collar people becoming homeless, wars that make no sense. Its great! (and sad and scary).

If there's any readers here yoy should def give it a go, its only 200 pages or so!

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