
Manager abusing power

I’ve never posted here, or been on this page, or had any reason to use Reddit in general. However, due to various problems with my manager, I’m left with no other option. For backstory, my manager used to be fine, but as of recently he has been heavily abusing his so called power. The biggest incident was covering up and ignoring sexual harassment of a female co worker by a male coworker, and then promoting the male coworker twice! He has a very large ego, and makes many disparaging remarks towards you, along with leaving us to deal with most of the real work while he sits on his phone. He clearly picks favorites, and wrote me up for doing something that he did a few weeks earlier. When I questioned him as to why he can do it but I can’t, his response was “cause I’m the manager”. This…

I’ve never posted here, or been on this page, or had any reason to use Reddit in general. However, due to various problems with my manager, I’m left with no other option. For backstory, my manager used to be fine, but as of recently he has been heavily abusing his so called power. The biggest incident was covering up and ignoring sexual harassment of a female co worker by a male coworker, and then promoting the male coworker twice! He has a very large ego, and makes many disparaging remarks towards you, along with leaving us to deal with most of the real work while he sits on his phone. He clearly picks favorites, and wrote me up for doing something that he did a few weeks earlier. When I questioned him as to why he can do it but I can’t, his response was “cause I’m the manager”. This “incident” was me spotting my co worker on his one rep max on benchpress(I work at a gym) and a few weeks earlier, my manager spotted me on my squat max. Corporate is coming on Wednesday, and I plan on informing them on all of this, and hopefully he is removed from my gym. Most of my coworkers have agreed to testify to corporate that what I’m saying is true, and I feel confident in my plan. He apparently knows I’m going to do something, and says he wants to do a 1 on 1 with me on Sunday. He also routinely doesn’t show up until 11-12, which is unacceptable for a manager to do. Is there anything else I can do to make certain he is fired or transfered?

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