
You are missing the point of antiwork.

While there’s always been some, I’ve noticed a sharp uptick in posts just complaining about random things that are annoying at their job. I just saw a post complaining about the snacks work provided for them being unhealthy. The point of anti-work is that we shouldn’t have to work our lives away in order to just exist in the world. And that when we are, we should be treated as human beings with respect from our employer. No, your boss asking you to remember to bring the sign in when you close isn’t included in that. These are actual important issues in our society and it’s being muddled by people clogging this sub with stupid complaints.

While there’s always been some, I’ve noticed a sharp uptick in posts just complaining about random things that are annoying at their job. I just saw a post complaining about the snacks work provided for them being unhealthy.

The point of anti-work is that we shouldn’t have to work our lives away in order to just exist in the world. And that when we are, we should be treated as human beings with respect from our employer.

No, your boss asking you to remember to bring the sign in when you close isn’t included in that.

These are actual important issues in our society and it’s being muddled by people clogging this sub with stupid complaints.

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