
YOU are worth more than they want you to believe!

I've been lurking this sub for some time and appreciate the push that some of yall inspired.. I had been working for a company that treated their employees like dirt. Constantly told we were a drain on them. Told my department is just overhead when in reality we got the jobs that kept the place running. The guy training to be my boss idolized Hitler and loved to let the department know. My boss didn't seem to care and I was the only one willing to stand toe to to with this guy. The company however was started by a guy who was a part of “Merrill's Marauders”. Fighting Hitler and then coming back to create this company.. I mean you can't make this shit up. My boss would require us to be early to our daily start times. Asking that we clock in between 6:30-6:45 then changing my time…

I've been lurking this sub for some time and appreciate the push that some of yall inspired.. I had been working for a company that treated their employees like dirt. Constantly told we were a drain on them. Told my department is just overhead when in reality we got the jobs that kept the place running.
The guy training to be my boss idolized Hitler and loved to let the department know. My boss didn't seem to care and I was the only one willing to stand toe to to with this guy. The company however was started by a guy who was a part of “Merrill's Marauders”. Fighting Hitler and then coming back to create this company.. I mean you can't make this shit up.
My boss would require us to be early to our daily start times. Asking that we clock in between 6:30-6:45 then changing my time card to 7am. 5 years of this adds up to a lot of time that they didn't pay me for.
In 5 years the head of project management only ever spoke to me on my last day. And there was an 11 mo period the head of project management didn't speak to the head of sales! We are a multimillion dollar fab to construction company and couldn't even plow our parking lot when we got a foot of snow.
On top of all this the company took $2.3 million dollars in PPP money and we never stopped working, missed a job or defaulted projects. Our owners got to keep the money. Their loans were forgiven because they “used 60% on payroll”.

I finally had some faith in myself, got out there and saw what was available… today I'm going from making $50k a year to $80k a year and I get to work from home. while this sub is an anti-work sub I understand the sentiment and appreciate yall!


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