
you can’t afford a nanny

I want to quit my job but i feel like i’m being ungrateful/dramatic. this is mostly a vent long story short, i nanny 2 toddler boys for 15/hour, 8am to 5pm M-F, for remote working parents. biggest mistake. they constantly hover and undermined me making my job harder because it makes building a trusting relationship between me and the kids difficult. They have little respect for my time and have made it a habit to relieve me late, i get 1-2 mins, but lately it’s been 7-9 mins and it’s getting annoying. is it a lot? no, but traffic gets very bad very quickly and i live 30 mins away. yesterday the mom wasn’t even working and still relieved me late. the mom had initially implied i’d only be responsible of child related chores. upon my first week she decided i’d be doing their dishes too as well as putting…

I want to quit my job but i feel like i’m being ungrateful/dramatic. this is mostly a vent

long story short, i nanny 2 toddler boys for 15/hour, 8am to 5pm M-F, for remote working parents. biggest mistake. they constantly hover and undermined me making my job harder because it makes building a trusting relationship between me and the kids difficult. They have little respect for my time and have made it a habit to relieve me late, i get 1-2 mins, but lately it’s been 7-9 mins and it’s getting annoying. is it a lot? no, but traffic gets very bad very quickly and i live 30 mins away. yesterday the mom wasn’t even working and still relieved me late. the mom had initially implied i’d only be responsible of child related chores. upon my first week she decided i’d be doing their dishes too as well as putting them away. and other smaller non child related chores

i made a contract stating id only be doing child related chores and that they should be grateful of extra housework and not expect it as well as they should be courteous of the messes the parents make while i’m on the job and that i won’t be responsible for messes made when i’m off the clock. she crossed it out, didn’t even discuss that part with me. i only know because i found the contract she was supposedly gonna print out correctly, with their mail stuff still untouched weeks later. i found it very disrespectful. 15 an hour for 2 kids is already very little, avg for 1 kid is 16 and hour so for 2 it should be 18-20 and she acts like she’s being generous. i work 45 hours so i mentioned paid over time, all of a sudden i’m being paid by salary not hourly and if i’d like hourly she was gonna lower the already low pay. it’s ridiculous.

i have more reasons but this post would be too long

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