
You didn’t want me to use notes?! Make it make sense plz

I applied for a sales position via initial application. Honestly I kind of half-assed my responses because I’ve seen so many similar applications recently. I also hadn’t seen the compensation and benefits page yet. Anyway, low and behold they liked the answers enough to move me forward to the second stage of the interview process. Attached was the benefits, pay and expectations page. They were good enough to take this portion of the interview more seriously. They give you 6 scenarios in which you were to record yourself via loom answering your reaction to the scenarios. “What would your mindset be going into the call”, “how would you respond” etc. I drafted my answers in google doc and made sure they were good to go before I started recording. These were specific scenarios that required specific pre thought..I answered them flawlessly as far as I’m concerned. The company responds back…

I applied for a sales position via initial application. Honestly I kind of half-assed my responses because I’ve seen so many similar applications recently. I also hadn’t seen the compensation and benefits page yet.

Anyway, low and behold they liked the answers enough to move me forward to the second stage of the interview process. Attached was the benefits, pay and expectations page. They were good enough to take this portion of the interview more seriously. They give you 6 scenarios in which you were to record yourself via loom answering your reaction to the scenarios. “What would your mindset be going into the call”, “how would you respond” etc.

I drafted my answers in google doc and made sure they were good to go before I started recording. These were specific scenarios that required specific pre thought..I answered them flawlessly as far as I’m concerned.

The company responds back saying “the companies we hire for won’t accept submissions that are done using a script or notes” 🧐
“If you want to resubmit do so and I’ll send them over”

Like wtf do you mean?! You didn’t say to “freestyle” my answers you said respond to the questions, which I did. Would it not make more sense to pre plan your answers and come across more articulately than to just fumble through.. tf kind of thought process is that.

If you were actually in the position and these scenarios came up you’d look like a fool not having a game plan in mind..

Not to mention if I re-record; my answers are going to sound similar AF..

Like what are they looking for?

Should I ask?

Should I just resubmit with reworded; memorized answers or what?

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