
You guys have it tough over there in the USA

I'm from the UK and browse this sub regularly and I have to say some of the shit I read here is like something out of a TV show. I didn't think things were really that bad… Getting fired for the smallest mistakes, not allowed time off for emergencies, hardly any unionisation among other things. In the UK our employees are protected so employers cannot abuse us or threaten us into obeying their every demand. Despite getting paid much lower than the US on a wage to wage comparison, I feel quite lucky to be employed in the UK because boy you guys have it tough over there it would seem.

I'm from the UK and browse this sub regularly and I have to say some of the shit I read here is like something out of a TV show. I didn't think things were really that bad… Getting fired for the smallest mistakes, not allowed time off for emergencies, hardly any unionisation among other things.

In the UK our employees are protected so employers cannot abuse us or threaten us into obeying their every demand. Despite getting paid much lower than the US on a wage to wage comparison, I feel quite lucky to be employed in the UK because boy you guys have it tough over there it would seem.

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