
You just have to work very hard and very smart – so that you can stop working early

We were dirt poor when I grew up. We had just a tiny house until I was like 6 or 7. Then my parents inherited some land from my grandparents that died and we upgraded to a slightly bigger House. Money was still tight – I got lucky to get a scholarship though Football but still had to work a part time job throughout summer to get through College. I also had to help in the family business since age 17. With their inheritance my parents build a few houses and appartments and started renting them. I still couldnt afford my own house until I was 25 – money was allways tight. Then came the dot com crash and the recession of 2008 that almost ruined us. But because we were smart and hard working we prevailed. We just raised prices from 600/month to 1000/month and still barely made it.…

We were dirt poor when I grew up. We had just a tiny house until I was like 6 or 7. Then my parents inherited some land from my grandparents that died and we upgraded to a slightly bigger House.

Money was still tight – I got lucky to get a scholarship though Football but still had to work a part time job throughout summer to get through College.

I also had to help in the family business since age 17. With their inheritance my parents build a few houses and appartments and started renting them.

I still couldnt afford my own house until I was 25 – money was allways tight. Then came the dot com crash and the recession of 2008 that almost ruined us.

But because we were smart and hard working we prevailed. We just raised prices from 600/month to 1000/month and still barely made it. I never inherited anything because my parents are still alive but still managed to stop working by the age of 45. I handed over the family business to my son.

I am in no way rich we own just 50 housing units – so im middle class – but we still saved enough money to retire by 45.

Everyone can make it if they just stop making excuses and try!

Im sure my life would have been exactly the same even if my parents were a little less wealthy. The 120 000 Dollars and 4000 acres they inherited when my grandparents died in the early 80s helped a little – but not that much. /SARCASM

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